Feb 8, 2018

Delvin first day of primary school 2nd Jan 2018

Today is Delvin first day of his Primary School life. Hope he enjoyed his primary school journal. We are so lucky to get a primary school just nearby our house. We got it by balloting, last second chance to get in the draw.
 We slept very early last night at 9pm to get enough rest for the first day of school. I woke up at 6am to get ready myself before waking them up. So Cody left home at 6.45am by taking public buses to school on his own and Delvin left at 7.05am. We are taking lift down on the way to his school.
 Delvin's school multi purpose hall to assembly before going to his class.
 His form Teacher Ms Chen is preparing them ready to walk back to their class.
His bag was so heavy on the first day because he needed to bring those books that listed in his orientation booklet and will kept by the Teacher.
 His canteen had pasted where should the pupil sit during their recess time.
Albert and I was searching Delvin during his recess but could not find him. All boys looked like the same and was so crowed.
 Suddenly I saw him...... I was so happy.......
 I quickly called him and took picture πŸ˜‚
 His buddy was a caring, thoughtful and helpful boy.
 He brought him all around the school. Now bringing him to the bookshop.
 Delvin and his P4 buddy.
Buddy brought him to the Eco garden.
 Delvin classroom


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