Mar 5, 2018

CNY eve 15th Feb 2018 (Thursday)

Albert is not working today and I'm on half day.

 We brought Delvin to school. He is very happy because they are having party in the classroom at 9.45am. Albert will help out later in his class.
After Delvin school party, Albert brought him home and Cody go home by himself. Albert will be cleaning the house as I bought our lunch back. After done house cleaning, helped Albert to dye his hair.

Outside view of my house.
 We are ready to go for our reunion dinner at my aunt place.
 My cousin's dog Oreo.
6th Uncle and Cousin Albee are preparing dinner for us 😊 Thank you! 
 Before start to eat, let have a picture..... Cheers......
 Before we heading to my mother in law house, we had a group photo first.
 One more (Funny face πŸ˜πŸ˜€πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜†πŸ˜œπŸ˜)
 *My elder sis and Ti cannot come as Ti's dad just passed away on 9th Feb 2018*

 Back to our place after having steam boat at my mother in law place. Albert is preparing praying items to get ready for εˆδΈ€. 
 Everyone is tired and slept. I'm still painting my nails and not yet sleep, of course very tired too.


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